Monday, February 11, 2013

New Covenant Forgiveness

For whatever reason, the King James translators wrongly translated the words “forgiveness,” and “remission,” from the Greek word “alphesis,” which means freedom.

Every time the word “forgiveness” is translated in the King James Bible, it means “freedom.” Every time, with the exception of one, “remission” also means “freedom.”

Also, they translated the word “forgive,” from the Greek word “alphiemi.” “Alphiemi” comes from the prefix “apo,” meaning “off, away from,” and from “hiemi” meaning to “to send away, dismiss.”  Thus, forgive in the New Testament means to send away, and remove sin, not “cover sin” as in the Old Covenant.

“Alphesis” (Greek word for forgiveness and remission), also comes from the same prefix “apo.” Thus, alphesis could be more correctly translated “freedom from.” “Apo” also has a spatial nature, thus denotes distance and separation.

And in relation to sin, we are talking about “freedom from sin,” which is the heart of the gospel.

Again, here is the dictionary meaning of forgiveness:
The act of forgiving; the pardon of an offender, by which he is considered and treated as not guilty.

This definition is fine if one is dealing with a wrong that one has been done to him. The Bible teaches that we are to forgive, even to forgive our enemies. However, when dealing with God and our relation to Him as to sin in the New Testament, it is not correct. Jesus did not just pardon our sin and take the guilt of sin away at the cross; HE TOOK SIN AWAY!  The blood of the New Covenant speaks of a “better sacrifice” that takes sin away, that cleanses from all unrighteousness, that destroys the sin nature, and that makes us new creations “in Christ.”  All these “better things” were impossible under the Law and before the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Excerpted from Forgiveness or Freedom

Was Only Part of the Law Fulfilled by Christ? by Phil Drysdale

A lot of people try to break up the law, into either two, ceremonial and moral, or three parts, ceremonial, civil and moral. I often hear people explain that it was the ceremonial law that was nailed to the cross. This is a nice idea we use to try keep a hold of as much of the law as we possibly can, while doing away with some. The problem is the Bible doesn’t break up the law as nice and neat as that, in fact it doesn’t break up the law at all.

Paul explains that the “law” which is no longer relevant in the Christian's life is the law which is “written and engraved on stones” in 2 Corinthians 3:7. Which law does that sound like? The ceremonial law? The civil law? Obviously this is the Ten Commandments Paul is talking about, they were the only laws to be engraved in stone.

Paul isn’t being vague here and wants everyone to know that when he says that the law is no longer applicable in the Christian’s life he means the whole package it came in!

If you feel a need to divide the law up, that’s fine, just so long as you know the whole thing was fulfilled in Christ and the whole thing is for the unbeliever not the believer (1 Timothy 1:9).

Excerpted from What's The Role Of The Law In The New Covenant?

Friday, February 1, 2013

Calling a sin a sin! by Brad Freeman

From the very beginning, God did not want man to be an expert on how to "call a sin a sin" -- the knowledge of good and evil. In the garden, He did not want Adam and Eve to know, or be concerned with, the difference between "good and evil". He commanded them to stay away from it!

When it comes to Jesus, the church needs to "call a Savior a Savior" and trust Him for our righteousness and salvation! Believe that He took away ALL of your sin! Believe that faith has placed you firmly in Him and that He is your wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, redemption and peace with God! (1 Cor. 1:30).

When it comes to the Spirit, the church needs to "call a Teacher a Teacher" and trust Him to write on our hearts and minds, comfort us, speak of Jesus and guide us into Truth! Listen to Him. When He tells you what to do, do it!

When it comes to God, the church needs to "call a Father a Father" and know that He will correct us when we need it, be merciful to our iniquities, remember our sin no more and never leave or forsake us! Know He loves you! Have faith in Him.